I had the privilege of shooting this precious family after they delivered their beautiful twin baby boys. I first met mom and dad in the hospital, while Lincoln and Lennox were gaining their strength in NICU so that they could come home to their big brothers, Troy and Jasper. Lincoln and Lennox were the most precious little men on the third floor, even the amazing nursing staff agreed. Mom and dad were no doubt exhausted but absolutely thrilled and in love with their boys.

I took some pictures at the hospital and waited for the little guys to get the okay to come home. Once they were home, mom and I scheduled a time for me to come visit so the twins could have their photographic debut. I must admit, I was a bit nervous because it was my first hands-on session with newborn twins but it could not have gone any better.  They were like a dream and they comforted each other so perfectly. My heart melted many times that day.

Every photographer has some very memorable and favorite sessions, this was one them. This family was so kind, amazing, and beautiful. I look forward to watching the boys grow and capturing some amazing memories for years to come. dsc_2385-edit dsc_2411-edit dsc_2378-2dsc_2387-2 dsc_2417 dsc_2427 dsc_2428 dsc_2430 dsc_2451-2 dsc_2457-2dsc_2466-2 dsc_6081-edit-2-2 dsc_6076-editdsc_6120-edit-2 dsc_6163-edit dsc_6406-edit-2dsc_6313dsc_6274-2 dsc_6269  dsc_6458-edit dsc_6465 dsc_6492-2dsc_6481

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